King Ranch

Birds on King Ranch

King Ranch boasts a vast array of migratory bird species at various times of the year.

With 825,000 acres of varied habitat, the King Ranch is a haven for birds and birdwatchers alike. Named as a site on the Great Texas Coastal Birding Trail and as a Globally Important Bird Area by the American Bird Conservancy, the ranch boasts a bird list of more than 370 species.


Vast tracts of habitat are home to a variety of South Texas specialty birds, including ferruginous pygmy-owl, tropical parula, northern beardless-tyrannulet, Audubon’s oriole, Botteri’s sparrow, green jay, white-tailed hawk, olive sparrow, and much more. Over the years, the ranch has also hosted a large number of rare birds including double-striped thick-knee, jabiru, Eurasian wigeon, masked duck, aplomado falcon, and garganey.

Situated at the confluence of several migratory pathways, the ranch is a virtual highway for migrating birds in both fall and spring. During the winter months, large numbers of birds, having finished breeding in the northern reaches of the U.S., join our tropical year-round residents. Special winter residents include Sprague’s pipit, burrowing owl, mountain plover, and piping plover.

As one of the premier birding destinations in South Texas and the country, the King Ranch offers a wide variety of birding opportunities. Please visit the tour page for a listing of tours.