
Richard King’s descendants have been pioneers in wildlife management. They created visionary farming and ranching techniques and have managed the land to be productive while conserving and nurturing vital habitat for wild game – orchestrating a harmonious balance between wild game and domestic livestock on the Ranch.
In addition to being the Birthplace of American Ranching®, King Ranch, comprising 770,000 acres of pristine wildlife habitat, also boasts the distinction of being the birthplace of Texas game conservation. Abundant wild game is almost taken for granted in modern-day Texas, but there was a time when the bounty of Texas wildlife was at serious risk. Throughout the 19th century, wild game was abundant in South Texas, but by 1910, deer and wild turkey populations were almost completely eliminated. During a week of hunting on the Norias Division in 1920, a party of six experienced hunters was able to harvest only one deer.

Today, Caesar Kleberg’s vision and passion for wildlife carries on in King Ranch’s modern game management and hunting operations. Hunters can pursue deer, wild turkey, quail, javelina, and wild hog on the Ranch. The exotic, but elusive, nilgai, a native species of India, is also a popular hunter’s pursuit on the Norias Division. King Ranch acquired the Ranch’s first nilgai brood stock principally from the San Diego Zoological Garden in the late 1920s. Today, as a living testament to Caesar Kleberg’s vision for game management, the nilgai, like all the other game on King Ranch, are flourishing. The nilgai has been a particular success, and King Ranch is now home to approximately 15,000 of these majestic animals.
Much of King Ranch remains a pristine wildlife habitat that includes huge live oak mottes, thousands of acres of mixed brush environments, and extensive coastal prairies and marshes. Baffin Bay, known by saltwater fishermen to be the best place on the Texas coast to pursue speckled trout and redfish, forms the eastern and southern borders of the Laureles Division.
Home to Rio Grande turkey and a wide variety of other game and non-game species of wildlife, King Ranch stewards what is probably the largest population of wild bobwhite quail and quality white-tailed deer on a single ranch in the nation.
Although King Ranch leases much of its land for private, recreational hunting, the Ranch also maintains and manages thousands of acres for guided hunts for white-tailed deer, turkey, feral hog, javelina, nilgai antelope, and other game. King Ranch makes these hunts available to the public in accordance with overall ranch wildlife management objectives.